If you would like to enhance thermal performance, increase security, remove condensation, and remove noise, secondary glazing is an excellent alternative for both commercial and residential structures. It is, however, necessary to understand how to remove the glazing, whether for cleaning or repair.

How To Remove Secondary Glazing

Secondary Glazing That Is Magnetic

Magnetic glazing can be simply taken out for cleaning and maintenance and then replaced because it is only kept in position by a magnetic band. This, of course, does not receive the same level of permanence of secondary glazing, but this is one of the simplest to remove.

Temporary Glazing

Fasteners or hooks are also used to hold the material in position in some kinds of glazing. When it comes to removing, these panels will be simple and self-explanatory. They won’t offer the same level of security and effectiveness for your windows.

Lift Out Secondary Glazing

Lift-out secondary glazing, as the title indicates, is meant to be readily removed and replaced. Carefully elevate the secondary glazing panels upwards within their frames until the bottom edge clears the frame’s bottom edge to remove them. You’ll be able to remove the panel by tilting the base towards you. Turnbuckles may be used to secure lift-outs, which must be turned 180 degrees free of the panel before being removed. Always proceed with caution when removing these components. If the unit is bigger than 1.2 square meters, you’ll need two employees.

Horizontal Sliding Glazing

The secondary glass that swings sideways within its frame is known as horizontal sliding glazing. This enables easy access to the opening of exterior windows for excellent ventilation. These panels, on the other hand, maybe withdrawn from their frames by pulling them upwards, towards the frame’s crown.

Why Would You Need To Remove Glazing?

First and foremost, why would you want to take out the glazing in the first place? The majority of the time, there is just one solution: cleaning. Glazing, as well as your current windows, will need to be cleaned every few months to prevent dirt from accumulating and to keep them in good nick. However, for remodelling purposes, you may choose to remove the glazing. It’s only normal that secondary glazed panels would crack or scrape over time, whether from dogs, children, or regular wear and tear. Removing the panels will make painting touch-ups much easier. Secondary glazing may also have to be removed in order to be updated. This might be due to unit damage, such as a break in the glass. Alternatively, it might just be an unproductive system that requires replacement with a better, customised unit.

If you have any questions regarding secondary glazing or any other sort of glazing then do not hesitate to get in touch and our team at Glasgow Glass & Locks would be more than happy to help you with your queries and questions.