Whether you’re renovating your home or simply making some adjustments, you want to know that your home is getting the best materials possible. When it comes to windows, this is no different. But unlike with other renovations that might require more thought, the best choice for windows is clear: uPVC. In the following article, we’re going to provide you with a guide to uPVC in Glasgow, including what makes a good uPVC window.

uPVC Glasgow: What is uPVC?

uPVC (sometimes known as PVCu) stands for Un-plasticised Poly Vinyl Chloride. It’s one of the most common materials that make up windows. They require far less maintenance than the wooden window frames of old, and there’s also flexibility when it comes to colours.

Price of uPVC in Glasgow

Due to the longevity and durability of uPVC, they are amongst the most cost-effective and affordable options when getting windows fitted. 

With the thermal material itself, you can sleep easy knowing that your new windows will fight to keep the heat inside your home. Naturally, this efficiency makes for lower utility bills in the long run.

Do uPVC Windows Cancel Out Noise?

If you live near a busy road then the best type of window is going to be a uPVC one. The fitting itself contains insulated chambers, which means you can continue to live in a quiet, peaceful home, with minimal disruptive noise from outside.

uPVC Maintenance

As described above, the uPVC option for your windows requires very little maintenance. You won’t need to worry about repainting or treatments. In fact, the only upkeep you’ll actually be tasked with is wiping down the window every now and then. A simple wipe with warm soapy water tends to do the trick and will keep your windows looking fresh for longer.

Misconceptions Surrounding uPVC Colours

A lot of people assume that uPVC only comes in white, but while white uPVC windows tend to be the most common, you can choose from a number of different colours for your frames. This means that regardless of the style of your home (whether it’s modern or more traditional), you can have uPVC windows that match that aesthetic.

Do uPVC Windows Increase Property Value?

Another reason you should consider uPVC windows is that there’s a good chance they’ll increase your property value. The average increase is around 5%, and this could be even higher if you were upgrading from single glazed to double glazed uPVC windows.

uPVC Glasgow: Security

uPVC windows also benefit from a multi-point locking system, which will add an extra layer of security to your home. When you need to ventilate your home but have concerns regarding security, putting the window lock into the night vent position allows you to leave the window slightly open, whilst remaining completely locked.

It’s always reassuring knowing that the materials you’re using are environmentally friendly. Luckily, uPVC is 100% recyclable. Once removed, the materials can be melted down and remoulded into other uPVC windows. 

Now that you’ve had the lowdown on uPVC windows, get in touch with Glasgow Glass and Locks today to make an enquiry. We’ll advise you on all the best options available to you.